2019-07-27 20:43




本文转自微信公众号:乐活英伦(ID: PropellerTV),题图为正在质询过程中的特蕾莎·梅。


Mr Speaker: Orderrrrr! Questions to the Prime Minister! Ruth Cadbury!


Ruth Cadbury: Question number 1, Mr Speaker.


The Prime Minister: Thank you, Mr Speaker.


The Prime Minister: Mr Speaker, this morning I had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others. Following my duties in this House, this afternoon I shall have an audience of Her Majesty the Queen, I shall then continue with my duties in this House from the Back Benches, where I will continue to be the Member of Parliament for Maidenhead.


Mr Speaker: Jeremy Corbyn!


Jeremy Corbyn: Thank you Mr Speaker, today marks the final day in office for the Prime Minister, and I pay tribute to her sense of public duty. Public service should always be recognised. Being an MP, a Minister or indeed a Prime Minister is an honour that brings with it huge responsibility and huge pressures both personally. 

杰里米·科尔宾:谢谢您,议长大人 。今天是首相执政的最后一日,我要向她为公众服务的责任感表示敬意。为人民服务,永远都应该得到认可。担任下议院议员、内阁大臣,乃至英国首相,是一种荣誉。但随之而来的,是沉甸甸的责任和极大的压力。

Jeremy Corbyn: And I'm sure the Prime Minister and probably the whole House would agree on those very closest to us who are often not able to answer back for the criticisms made against them. So I hope she has a marginally more relaxing time on the Back Benches. And perhaps, like the Chancellor, even help me oppose the reckless plans of her successor?


Jeremy Corbyn: Mr Speaker, if I may continue...I'm glad the Government party is in such good heart today. Mr Speaker, for tomorrow they won’t be!

杰里米·科尔宾:议长大人,我想继续说的是... 我很高兴看到保守党政府大伙儿,今天心情这么好啊,明天他们就不会这么开心了!

Jeremy Corbyn: Mr Speaker, in the past three years, child poverty has gone up, pensioner poverty has gone up, in-work poverty has gone up, violent crime has gone up, NHS waiting times have gone up, school class sizes have gone up, homelessness has gone up, food bank use has gone up. Does the Prime Minister have any regrets about any of those things I've just said?


The Prime Minister: Can I say to the right hon. Gentleman, It's very good to see the Conservative party in good heart; it's more than I can say for the Labour party!


The Prime Minister: But let me just say something to the right hon. Gentleman, about my record over the last three years, and how I measure my record over the last three years.

首相:但我想对这位阁下说,还是听我来讲讲 过去这三年的政绩吧,以及我是如何评价衡量这三年执政的。

The Prime Minister: It's in the opportunity for every child who is now in a better school. It's in the comfort for every person who now has a job for the first time in their life. It's in the hope of every disadvantaged young person now able to go to university. And it's in the joy of every couple who can now move into their own home.


The Prime Minister: Because at its heart, politics isn't about exchanges across the Dispatch Box. Nor is it about eloquent speeches or media headlines. Politics is about the difference we make every day to the lives of people up and down this country. They are our reason for being here, and we should never forget it!

首相:因为平心而论,政治,不是站在下议院发言台、你来我往打嘴炮,也不是拼口才比学识,更不是抢头条上热搜;政治,是我们每天能做出怎样的改变,以改善整个国家人民的生活 。这才是我们站在这里的意义所在。这一点,我们必须永远铭记于心!

Mr Speaker: Jeremy Corbyn! 


Jeremy Corbyns: Mr Speaker, the Prime Minister may have noticed that none of those things that I mentioned were actually in the Conservative party manifesto in 2017, but every one of them was a Labour pledge in 2017! On Brexit, the Prime Minister’s own red lines ruled out any sensible compromise deal. Only after she had missed her own deadline to leave did the Prime Minister even begin to shift her position, but by then, she no longer had the authority to deliver. Her successor has no mandate at all. Does she have confidence that the right hon. Member for Uxbridge will succeed where she has not?


【注释:MP for Uxbridge指鲍里斯·约翰逊】

The Prime Minister: Can I just say to the right hon. Gentleman, I worked tirelessly to get a good deal for the UK, and I also worked hard to get that deal through this Parliament. I voted for the deal.

首相:我想对这位阁下说,是我一直不知疲倦为英国争取最佳脱欧协议,是我一直竭尽全力为让下议院通过脱欧协议,是我投票支持这份协议 。

The Prime Minister: What did the right hon. Gentleman do? He voted against a deal. He voted to make no deal more likely, and when there was a prospect of reaching consensus across this House, the right hon. Gentleman walked away from the talks. At every stage, his only interest has been playing party politics, and frankly, he should be ashamed of himself!

首相:而这位阁下又做了些啥?他直接给协议投了反对票!他甚至投票赞成,无协议脱欧。在下议院可能即将达成共识的时刻,这位阁下竟然擅自离席,不参与商讨!无论哪个阶段,他满脑子想的都是玩党派斗争。坦白讲 ,他才最该为自己感到羞耻!!

Mr Speaker: Jeremy Corbyn! 


Jeremy Corbyn: We've had three years of bungled negotiations, and we now have the spectacle of a Prime Minister coming into office with no electoral mandate, looking for a Brexit deal that has been ruled out by the European Union, or in the case of a no deal, ruled out by the majority in this House, and by anyone that understands the dangers to British economy of a no deal.

杰里米·科尔宾:整整三年的脱欧谈判,以惨败告终。如今,我们眼前的景象是,一位未经过民选授权的首相,即将上台执政。他要么是寻求达成一份欧盟已不予考虑的脱欧协议 ,要么是试图促成 下议院已不予考虑的无协议脱欧 。任何了解无协议脱欧会对英国经济造成危害的人,都已不予考虑  。

Jeremy Corbyn: The next Prime Minister thought the Isle of Man was in the European Union, and that the European Union made rules about kippers that in fact, were made by the Government that he was part of. He also said that the UK could secure tariff-free trade through article 24 of the general agreement on tariffs and trade, despite the International Trade Secretary, the Attorney General and the Governor of the Bank of England all confirming that that is not possible.

杰里米·科尔宾:这位新首相以为,英国皇家属地马恩岛,是个欧盟成员国。他还以为,欧盟对英国腌鱼制定了监管制度 。其实那些制度,是他自己所属的英国政府制定的 。他还放话说,英国可以通过关税和贸易总协定的第24条,以确保免关税贸易 。而咱们的国际贸易大臣、检察总长,还有英格兰银行行长,都已证实,那是不可能的。

Jeremy Corbyn: At the start of 2018, the...It’s coming, don’t worry. At the start of 2018, Mr Speaker, the Prime Minister herself set up a new unit to counter fake news, charged with "combating disinformation". How successful does she think that has been?

杰里米·科尔宾:2018年初... 重点马上就来,别急啊!议长大人,2018年初,首相专门成立了个新部门,以打击虚假新闻 。美名其曰, "与不实信息作斗争" 。请问首相觉得,这个新部门有多成功呢?

The Prime Minister: I have to say to the right hon. Gentleman that I fear that our success hasn't been what we wanted it to be, from the amount of fake news and fake information he uses at that Dispatch Box.

首相:我想对这位阁下说,恐怕我们这个部门的成功与否,是这位阁下所不能理解的。因为他常站在发言箱后 ,大言不惭地提及许多虚假新闻和不实信息!

Mr Speaker: Jeremy Corbyn! 


Jeremy Corbyn: Maybe she can have a word with her successor on the way out, but let me conclude by welcoming some...For today...Mr Speaker, let me conclude by welcoming some of the Prime Minister’s notable U-turns over the last couple of years.

杰里米·科尔宾:也许首相可以在离职前,跟她的继任者好好聊一聊。让我做一下最后的总结发言。就今天... 议长大人,我的总结发言要来盘点下,首相在过去几年内最知名的几次政治大反转。

Jeremy Corbyn: The cruel dementia tax was scrapped. Plans to bring back grammar schools were ditched. The threat to the pension’s triple lock was abandoned. The withdrawal of the winter fuel payments was dumped. The pledge to bring back foxhunting was dropped, and the Government binned their plan to end universal free school meals for five to seven-year-olds.


Jeremy Corbyn: The Prime Minister has dumped her own manifesto. Given that her successor has no mandate from the people, no mandate on which to move into office, doesn't she agree that the best thing the right hon. Member for Uxbridge could do later on today when he takes office is to call a general election and let the people decide their future??!!


The Prime Minister: My first answer to the right hon. Gentleman is no. And if he wants to talk about people ducking manifesto commitments and commitments made during general election campaigns…Can we remember what the Labour party, the right hon. Gentleman say about student debt? They were going to abolish student debt. After the election, no, he rowed back on that promise.


The Prime Minister: What did he say during the general election? He was committed to Trident. What did he say after the General Election? He said, no, he was not committed to Trident at all! He has broken promise after promise to the people of this country.

首相:他在大选期间还做过啥保证?他当时承诺,大力发展三叉戟。大选结束后,他又说了些啥?他说: “不啦,我要坚决废除三叉戟!!” 对国家、对人民,他违背了自己一个又一个承诺。

The Prime Minister: But I say to the right hon. Gentleman as this is the last time we will have this exchange across these Dispatch Boxes. I was going to say that it's a strength of our British democracy that the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition have these exchanges across the Dispatch Boxes every week at two swords’ lengths, no quarter is sought and none is given. And that's as it should be in our adversarial parliamentary democracy.

首相:我要对这位阁下说一句。这是咱俩最后一次站在这发言箱后,唇枪舌战、激烈交锋。我想说,这就是我们英国民主的优势所在 。英国首相与反对党领袖,每周站在发言箱后,针锋相对、互不相让 。我们之间的距离,是两把佩剑的长度。嘴下毫不留情,也决不低头求饶 。这就是我们二元对立民主的精髓所在。

The Prime Minister: But he and I are very different people and very different politicians. I think we approach the issues we face in this country in different ways. I have spent all but one of my years in the House on the Front Bench trying to implement the policies I believe in. He has spent most of his time on the Back Benches campaigning for what he believes in, often against his own party. But what we have in common is a commitment to our constituencies


The Prime Minister: I saw that after the terrorist attack in Finsbury Park mosque in his constituency. And perhaps then I could finish my exchange with him by saying this:


The Prime Minister: As a party leader, who has accepted when her time is up, perhaps the time is now, now for him to do the same!!!


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